
Home School Agreement

Home school partnership agreement


As the Parent / Carer: I / We will:

  • See that my son/daughter goes to school regularly and arrives on time.
  • Telephone the school if my son/daughter is absent or late and provide medical evidence if appropriate.
  • Ensure that my son/daughter has the correct uniform and equipment.
  • Support the school’s policies for behaviour, especially with regards to actions taken against bullying both inside and outside of school.
  • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my son/daughter’s work or behaviour.
  • Support my son/daughter in completing his/her home learning.
  • Support my son/daughter’s progress by attending parents’ evenings.
  • Be responsive to the school’s efforts to engage with me about my son/daughters progress and welfare.
  • Encourage my son/daughter to participate in the many opportunities offered.

The School: We will:

  • Care for your son/daughter’s safety and welfare and provide a welcoming environment.
  • Encourage your son/daughter’s aspirations to achieve highly.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of your son/daughter and provides them with academic rigour and the opportunity to be creative.
  • Keep you informed on a regular basis about your son/daughter’s progress.
  • Achieve high standards of behaviour by building good relationships.
  • Offer opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of the school.

The Student: I shall:

  • Endeavour to do my best.
  • Attend school regularly and on time.
  • Wear the school uniform and ensure I have all the equipment that I need each day.
  • Complete all classwork and home learning to the very best of my ability.
  • Be polite and helpful and show respect to all members of the school community.
  • Look after the school environment by keeping the school free of litter and graffiti.
  • I shall, under no circumstances, bully other students.